Treated Wood Disposal

Treated Wood Waste Disposal The Marin Household Hazardous Waste facility cannot accept treated wood waste (TWW) from residential or commercial generators. Please, do not bring TWW to the facility, and […]
¡Día de colección de residuos tóxicos!

¿Has estado limpiado tu casa últimamente más de lo normal? Durante el día de recolección de desechos tóxicos tu puedes deshacerte responsablemente de todos los productos peligrosos que has encontrado […]
Toxic Away Day – June 13th from 9 am to 1 pm

Have you been spending more time than usual cleaning your home? During the Toxic Away Day, you can responsibly dispose of the hazardous products that you have found in your […]
Zero Waste in Marin

Zero Waste Marin is the formal name for the Marin Hazardous and Solid Waste Joint Powers Authority (JPA), which is comprised of representatives from all over Marin County. Their mission […]
Refillable Cylinders

In North America, 40 million disposable one-pound propane cylinders are used and tossed out each year with an estimated four million in California alone! THE PROBLEM Empty cylinders are often […]